
This drone-enabled scouting service will scan your fields, capturing high resolution images of each individual plant, both crops and weeds. This allows you to quickly and easily identify areas that need attention.

Maximize Field Insights with SkyScout Drone Technology

Introduced to the dairy industry as a high-quality bypass protein in 1984, SoyPlus quickly became recognized as the gold standard of dairy nutrition because of its quality and consistency. SoyPlus is proven to:
Stand Count
Weed Detection
Insect Damage
Disease Detection
Nutrient Deficiency
Field Health Trends

How it Works

Using drones, Landus will scan your fields, capturing high resolution images of each individual plant.
With the help of AI, your acres are analyzed for any issues needing attention
Once complete, an analysis is sent to you, offering insights and prioritization recommendations for the next steps needed

Flight Timing

Corn From Planting to Harvest

Our full-service scouting plans allow for actionable insights within hours so you can see more of your acres faster. The story of your fields is always at your fingertips. Now, you have the information you need for analysis and predictive planning.
Mission 1
10 Days
Mission 2
10 Days
Mission 3
15 Days
Mission 4
15 Days
Mission 5
15 Days
Mission 6

Flight Timing

Soybean From Planting to Harvest

Accurate and precise crop monitoring throughout the season, helps you produce a healthier better yielding crop. Knowing where intervention may be needed before a yield robbing issue occurs.
Mission 1
10 Days
Mission 2
10 Days
Mission 3
15 Days
Mission 4
15 Days
Mission 5
15 Days
Mission 6