Rural Matters: Grand Opening of Boone Fertilizer Facility
By cutting links out of the supply chain, companies have better control over every aspect of the business, leading to more efficient production techniques and cost savings resulting in happier customers. Here at Landus, we are constantly engaging with our farmers to learn more about the challenges they are facing within their operations, and one of the many topics that continued to emerge was access to sustainable, quality fertilizer supported by a trusted transportation network. That was one of our main objectives for opening this state-of-the-art facility which will now make access to customized quality fertilizer easier than ever for Landus owners, operators and members across the Midwest and beyond.
On Thursday, June 13, Landus hosted USDA staff, state and federal elected officials, industry professionals, and Landus employees/ farmers to the ceremonial ribbon cutting of the fertilizer manufacturing and repackaging facility in Boone, IA.
The 75,000 square foot fertilizer manufacturing and repackaging facility was constructed with the help of a USDA Fertilizer Production Expansion Program grant, totaling around $4.9M. The $15 million facility will be supported by 75 current Landus employees and three additional on-site, full-time positions. Now that it’s open, the entire AcreEdge Performance Portfolio featuring over a dozen unique adjuvants, seed treatments and foliar nutrients, will be manufactured here.

"This state-of-the-art facility is more than just a building; it’s a testament to our commitment to supporting our farmers and rural communities. By bringing fertilizer production closer to home, we are eliminating costly links from the supply chain, and keeping the farmer at the center as we hit the ground running with this new fertilizer production and distribution center. We’re looking forward to bringing U.S. made, sustainable and fully customizable fertilizers to our farmers across the midwest,” said Matt Carstens, Landus President & CEO.
Features of the new site include:
- Freestanding building for chemical and seed storage, producing over 100,000 gallons of foliar SRN in the first operational year and 250,000 gallons in subsequent years.
- The manufacturing facility sits on 35.8 acres at 1095 T Ave, Boone, IA, adjacent to the current Landus 33-acre grain facility which provides grain and agronomy solutions.
The event featured four speakers and was moderated by Landus Senior Vice President of Communications & Marketing, Ryan Grant. The speakers were: Matt Carstens, Landus President & CEO; Betsy Dirksen Londrigan, Administrator of USDA Rural Business Cooperative Service; Mark Reisinger, CEO of Agribusiness Association of Iowa; and Erich Kretzinger, Boone County Board of Supervisors Chairman.
“Investments like this multiply. This $4.9 million grant creates jobs and adds to the local economy. This project is a great example of the green energy economy and lowers costs for our producers,” said Betsy Dirksen Londrigan during her ribbon-cutting remarks.

We’re excited to show you what Landus is capable of at the Farm Progress Show on August 27-29. By then, the talusOne, a modular apparatus from TalusAg will be generating green ammonia from water, sunlight, and energy. Once operational, the structure will be able to generate 30 tons of green ammonia per year.
Stay tuned to Rural Matters and our social media channels for continued updates on our locations across our geography!
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