GROW Podcast

The Tar Spot Maniac

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In this jam-packed episode, we look at what is happening in the field and therefore had to address tar spot. Dan Bjorklund (@DanielBjorklun9), Landus agronomist, shares what he has been seeing anecdotally in Landus member fields. He and host, John King (@JMKingLandus), discuss factors, what they are seeing, and suggestions for how we manage for the future. As the guys mention, once you find and see tar spot it is already too late and at this stage of the growing season, they’ve seen little be effective.

John gives an update on the fertilizer market and summarizes the state of the market in his words, it is armageddon. Learn more here. With the volatility, John offers that the best advice to combat the situation is to stay close to your Landus team as we help navigate the market in real time and offer the best solutions indicative of the daily fluctuation.

We kick off the episode by introducing new Landus Team member, Brad Sherwin, who joins us as a Technical Agronomist Data Analyst. We will have more from Brad but he gave a glimpse into the predictive analytics program that he has developed that uses farmer’s own data on a field by field basis.

Our main feature this episode was Travis Belt (@tcbelt), Portfolio Lead with Brevant Seeds US (@BrevantSeedsUS). He sits down with Landus Southeast Business Unit Leader, Matt Brown, to talk about seed impact in the growing environment and some of the challenges being seen. They talk about the advantages of Brevant’s strategy to work direct with retailers and their ability to market global strength with local focus. The product of the month also features Travis, talking through some of the top Brevant corn hybrids that have that local focus for our farmer-members.

If you have any questions, please call (515) 800-GROW.

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