Cooperative locations across the state erected grain elevators, some of which are still in operation, as early as 1960. With some of these structures reaching the end of their lifespan, Landus is committed to the safety of our farmers and employees. Below are the summarized updates of all the Landus location updates and expansions that are slated to complete by the end of 2024.


DJI 0945 HDR Edit

Completion Date: April 2024

Landus will break ground on a nearly $16 million greenfield fertilizer manufacturing and repackaging facility. The facility will manufacture a foliar, slow-release nitrogen (SRN) product, which will decrease in-ground nitrogen application rates and increase overall environmental and financial efficiency of farms.

Quick facts about the project include:

  • This new state-of-the-art facility including chemical and seed storage will be a freestanding 66,000 square foot building, producing over 100,000 gallons of foliar SRN in the first operational year and 250,000 gallons in subsequent years.
  • The manufacturing facility will be constructed on 35.8 acres adjacent to the current Landus 33-acre grain facility which provides grain and agronomy solutions.
  • The new facility will create three new full-time production positions with more to come while being supported by 75 of Landus’ current employees including sales and agronomy specialists, GROW Solutions Center specialists, e-commerce technicians, marketing, distribution, and manufacturing.

Read the News Release


Aredale Facility Plans

  • Addition of 700,000 bushels of corn storage
    • Eliminates in season freight to keep the site fluid and operational
    • Allows for more efficient delivery to the site by our area farmers
  • Drying capacity is being increased by 7,000 bph with the relocation of a under utilized dryer within the Landus System. Automated controls will be added to the dryer that adds remote control capabilities.
    • Utilizes our equipment more efficiently while increase our farmers ability to deliver grain to the site.


  • New Facility will add 4.34 Million bushels of storage to the site
    • Beans and Corn will be able to be segregated allowing for more efficient operation by the site personnel.
    • Drying capacity is being increased by 7,000 bph with the addition of a new modern dryer with automated controls and an upgrade to the existing dryer that adds remote control capabilities
    • Wet Storage Capacity at the site is being increased by 350,000 bushels eliminating delays in waiting for wet capacity to become available.
  • The new facility will free up an additional 700,000 bushels of storage that was previously used for corn and convert it to beans, drastically reducing the amount of beans that are hauled out during the harvest season.
  • A new truck pattern will be implemented at the site, allowing our farmers delivering grain a better experience at the site.