
Getting to Know Landus: Doug Sukovaty

Getting to Know Landus Doug S 050123

When people have multiple passions, it only makes sense for them to find a way to blend them together. Doug Sukovaty has been rolling on wheels since he was 10. He had been working heavy machinery for Greene County for 36 years, but for the last nine, he’s been a Landus delivery specialist.

“I’m in no rush to retire. This is the most easy-going job I’ve ever had. I could work ‘till I’m 70.”

Doug Sukovaty, Delivery Specialist

He found there were positions hiring at Landus after retiring and applied without missing a single day of health insurance coverage, thanks to the quick applied benefits Landus offers. 

Doug’s life on wheels extends far beyond the dimensions of his trailer for Landus. Since he was a kid, he’s been on two inline wheels — motorcycles. 

“We ride on Saturdays and make annual trips across the country.”

Doug Sukovaty, Delivery Specialist

Doug is the vice-president of a Christian motorcycle chapter, Rapture Riders. He and the Christian Motorcyclists Association raise money for causes that promote Christianity through life on wheels. 

Through the fifteen years of his role in the Christian Motorcyclists Association and the Rapture Riders, Doug has helped donate $54 million to ministries. This year, Landus donated to Doug’s campaign and helped the organization collect $9 million. Landus regularly supports the causes in which its employees are involved. 

He continues his passion for life on wheels by driving with Landus as a delivery specialist. 

“I grew up on the farm. I like working with farmers and visiting with them. I’m a people person.”

Doug Sukovaty, Delivery Specialist

This month, Landus is hiring delivery specialists across the state. Landus’ team-oriented culture extends into the cab of our trucks, through our location staff, and into the conversations with our farmer-owners. If you, or someone you know, are interested in joining Landus as a delivery specialist, our driving positions enjoy routine schedules, drivers are home every night and we offer second-to-none benefits on day one of employment. Apply now and join people like Doug on the road to deliver for Landus!

Read the other testimonials and stories from other delivery specialists at Landus.

Apply for our delivery specialist positions at